Some November Fun: Thanks to the Peppards!
Thanks, Bob & Lindy for sharing the lake house with us! We had SO.MUCH.RELAXING.FUN!
Oh, it was just what we all needed, I think.
Hubby & I enjoyed the drive down to Lake Tyler, and met up with family & their friends at Bob & Lindy's lake house.

This is the man with the BEST toys!

The lake house was sooooo fun! {Isn't that right, Mom?}

...and it was sooooo relaxing! {What? A weekend without kids---relaxing? Of course!}

How inviting is this porch? Who DOESN'T want to just laze about??

There are so many treasures there...just unexpected things about every corner. I'd love to show you more of the whole thing, but I'm going to refrain. Just know that it was a much needed break, and it was MUCH APPRECIATED!
{But, Bob...I read the sign. I'd say you owe me some boating & fishing! I had plenty of relaxing, but the boating & fishing can wait until Summer. That's clearly my excuse for why I'll need to come back. I'm just sayin'....}
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