The 4th...part 3
So, after our nap, we got ready to go to...Lone Star Park for the horse races & fireworks!
I got some new sunglasses at the Bass Pro Shop, and when I put them on....
...well, let's just say that the family burst into song:
"Willy Wonka,
Willy Wonka,
He's the premier

I don't think they were quite that bad....large, but not Willy Wonka bad!
Whatever. They got the job done. I could wear my contacts and not have super-sensitive eyes from all the sunlight. They worked. That's what I needed.
Nathan, Tera, & Aubri went with us to the horse races. Leslie & her crew were going out to Burleson with family, so it was just us 2 Mom-Scouts & our fams.
It was such a good time! {you know, minus the 800 degree heat!}
The kids got so hot, that we let them use the ice water in the cooler as their own personal wading pool.
We were there from about 4:30 to...8 or so. I think.
We didn't last long enough for the fireworks. It was hot. The races only go every 20 minutes or so...the downtime in between races is quite loooooong when you are 3 years old. So, three ice creams later, Gage was ready to go. And yes---it was hot. I let my kid eat 3 ice creams.
Gage got a little testy with Aubri back at our house after we left the races. Not wanting to know the drill. But, later, when I was rocking him before bed {don't judge me. Yes, I still rock my almost 4 year old, and I'll do it as long as he lets me!}, I asked him about his favorite part of the day, and he said that his favorite part of the day was playing with Aubri.
She beat out horses, horse races, golf cart races, shooting guns at the Bass Pro Shop, blue snow-cones, corny dogs, & 3 ice creams! Now THAT's a friend!
Coming soon: a video clip from Gage & Daddy cheering on the horses at the horse races! Gage's little voice is so cute! "Go Horsey! Go! Go! Go!" So cute!
My mom rocked both me and my brother until we were almost 6...and I plan to do the same with Madison! Well, as long as she'll let me!! As you know, better than me(!), they grow up way too fast, and sooner rather than later, they'll be too big to rock. So "rock on" momma! :)
Rock him as long as you can. It doesn't last forever. :(
And your glasses so didn't look Willy Wonka-ish!
You were OH SO CLOSE to me!!!!
I am sooooo judging you! Secretly, I wish you were my Mommy.
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