Prayers Needed....
There is a family that I love very, very much.
They don't live in Texas with me.... I don't get to see them very often....
But I love them to pieces.
Jessica is my friend. She & I went to college together.
Her son was born before mine. She is just an amazing mom to her son, & twin daughters. I've said more than once---I just don't know how she does it!
Well....her son is very sick.

He's in a children's hospital for a new diagnosis of Menetrier's disease. I'd never heard of it, so I googled it.
Brief Summary:
Menetrier's disease or hypoproteinemic hypertrophic gastropathy is a rare, acquired, premalignant disorder of the stomach. Symptoms include epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, edema, anorexia and weight loss. Menetrier's disease is characterised by giant hypertrophic folds that most often involve the fundus with histological features of marked foveolar hyperplasia, atrophy of glands and an increase in mucosal thickness. Additional findings include loss of enteric proteins and hypoalbuminemia, excess mucus secretion, decreased gastric acid secretion and normal or slightly elevated fasting serum gastrin levels. Most reports quote a 10 to 15% association with gastric carcinoma. The cause of the disease is unknown. Spontaneous remission of the disease is rare. There is no established treatment. Reported treatments include anticholinergics, H2 receptor antagonists, tranexamic acid, corticosteroids and H. pylori eradication. Partial or total gastrectomy is generally reserved for patients with debilitating disease and for cases at risk of developing gastric cancer.
According to Jessica, his case is considered "severe". guys---just pray for this whole family. Pray for her son's health....just pray for all of them!
Labels: Friends
Will do it. I did not understand hardly a word of that paragraph so this must be such a scary and confusing diagnosis.
Your friend and her family is in my prayers. How very scary for her. It is every parents worse nightmare. It makes me want to hug my girls extra tight and it makes me realize what is really important in life.
Let me know if there is anything else I can do.....I feel so bad for her.
I'll be sending healthful thoughts to your friend and her little boy, with the hopes that his case is one of the few that spontaneously go into remission.
I'm praying - for that little guy, the family...
How awful and frightening.
I am so sorry. I'll be sending good vibes their way.
I will be praying.
Oh my. This breaks my heart. I never really understand why these things happen to children. He is most definitely in my prayers with blessings to his family.
Oh that is just so heartbreaking. I will be thinking of this family and sending them wishes that he will get better.
I will be praying.
I am praying for him and his entire family!
Very sad and scary for all of them, I'm so sorry. I will be praying for them.
i will be praying for all of them.
THat is terrible. I will pray for the poor little guy and his family. It is heartbreaking.
poor little guy. poor family. i'm so sorry for your friend.
Oh baby boy!!!
My prayers are with him.
heartbreaking, her family is in my thoughts!
prayers going up for that little boy and his family..
Definitely. Wow, that is so sad. The poor little thing. I so hate when kids are sick and that is just something horrible. I feel for the parents. Makes my heart break, it really does. Please keep us updated with what is going on.
All the good thoughts and prayers in the world for them. I don't even want to imagine....
They will definitely be in my prayers. Poor, sweet little boy.
Poor little guy. Prayers and hugs. I certainly hope there is something that can be done.
man... what does all that mean? I am praying! DO they have a prognosis? I mean what does it mean??? makes me ache for her and her little boy and family :(
I will keep your friends in my prayers. XOXO
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