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Deck The Halls
But, I have to say...some scenes reminded me of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation...which to me is just golden---the King of Christmas Comedy...

Shrek The Third
Gotta say---a bit disappointing. Maybe my expectations were just too high. I fully expected it to be more about them having the babies & parenting ogre-style. Not so much. The babies aren't born until the very very end...and it just wasn't as funny as I expected.
I did appreciate the music references & the actual music from the movie.

Evan Almighty
We all loved it!
Labels: Movies
Everybody I spoke to felt the same way about the third Shrek movie. Very disappointing.
I saw Deck the Halls and enjoyed it. Didn't watch Shrek III because series tend to get lame after the first couple.
Have not seen Evan Almighty. Might watch it when it comes out on HBO.
I loved Evan Almighty! It was so nice to be able to watch a movie that I didn't have to wait for the kids to be asleep for!
And for those who wanted to see parenting ogre-style, no fear! Shrek 4 is on its way!
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