Life Is Just So Daily

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Ugh. What a day.

Okay...Looney Bin Erin...don't read this post.

You know your day is going to suck when it starts with a dead baby.
Those who don't know---I work in a hospital.
Every day is different. You just never know what's going to come into the ER.

Well, I share an office with a girl named Sarah.
Sarah's pregnant.
And---our office is right by the morgue.
(yes, you can tell where we fall on the totem pole of value...)

Anyway, a nurse comes into our office this morning holding...a dead baby...& asks to borrow Sarah's phone. (she's closer to the door.) She was calling in a fetal demise. So, Sarah got up and left.
I was so worried that Sarah was off freaking out somewhere.
This nurse brought the dead baby into our office, and she was standing there, less than one foot away from pregnant Sarah, and calling in the death.

So, Sarah left, and when the nurse got off the phone, I just told her that Sarah is pregnant, and that in the future, she should call it in elsewhere.
Poor Sarah.

In the end, Sarah got fine with it. "It's not my baby. I feel bad for the mom, but those things happen. It's just not me, so that's good."
Ugh. I just felt so bad for her though.
And, yes, babies die.
It's AWFUL. But, it happens.
And....when I was pregnant...that stuff, It made me feel sad. It made me greatful that I was pregnant. And this is awful to admit...but it made me feel like, "yes, I've dodged a bullet. Statistically speaking--it's going to happen, but this time it wasn't me!" Isn't that just awful? Maybe it is. Maybe I'm the only sick person who feels/felt that way...but it's true. I felt like even for that moment I was lucky and that it was better them than me.

...sorry for such a sad, bizarro post.
Not every day is good.
We can't live on the mountain-top.


At 2:37 PM , Blogger A. Nonny Mouse said...

Lainey, Lainey... You can't tell me not to do something and expect me to actually LISTEN to you. ;)

That poor mom. I think about that kind of stuff, too and know that the odds are stacked in my favor (or in my baby's favor - whatever) but that stuff happens and sometimes babies die. I'm so sorry that it happened today and that you had to be touched by it, too. Give Gage an extra big hug and a kiss and maybe see if you can sweet talk him into a snuggle. That's what I am going to do. Not with Gage, of course, but with Emily.

At 7:10 PM , Blogger Papa Bradstein said...

Ugh. That's awful. I can't even imagine . . . Tomorrow will be a better day.


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