I am a hateful, hateful, person.
I am a hateful, hateful person.
I'm going to post this, and then you will all know the truth about me.
The truth is: At times, I have very little patience for others.
The truth is: I can be very judgemental. (I wouldn't say that I'm this way by nature, but I can be this way.)
It's all so very awful.

The following....is a typed version of my "vent" during my Tuesday night class.
Scene: I'm sitting in the front row, just as any over-achieving Grad school student would do! (duh.) The whole class has been divided into groups for weeks. We each have to give a class-long (2 hours, 50 minutes) presentation to teach the class about a particular therapy. I don't go for a few more weeks (thank goodness!) So, we had our 1st in class presentation last night. And....I'm sure Karma is going to kick my a$$ for these thoughts that I've had...
"What is she saying? What the hell is a "chirren"? Do I have that/it/those/some? Is she talking about "churros"...the deliciously fried pastry that is coated in cinnamon & sugar. I want churros. I love churros....the "purrents & the chirren"...OH! SHE MEANS 'CHILDREN'...WTF? Is she too lazy to annunciate? I can understand a lot of what she says, but she doesn't seem to open & close her mouth to form the shapes & mouth movements to make words. She's TOO LAZY to TALK!
OMG! I can't stand it. The word is 'boundary'. Not Bon-DAIRY.
Did that other girl just say "ethnic family"? What the hell does that look like? If you want to say 'minorities', then just say it. We all have an ethnicity, so we would all be 'ethnic families'...That's my opinion anyway.
Back to the speaker about "chirren"...."I don't really know if this is right or not, but I'm going to say it anyway." REALLY? REALLY? Did you just incorporate that last sentence into your group presentation---which is graded?
With regards to research...."Some people said..." Seriously--if I conducted a study, had it published, and you're going to "cite" it, (yes, that term was used very loosely), then I would want you to use my F'in name.
No....no....I just heard one of them say, "I reckon..."
I can't do this anymore."

You are not a hateful person. Because if this post means that you are, then I am too. I think I had those very thoughts in my grad classes as well. But really, those people bring it on themselves.
At least I reckon...
Oh, and thanks for the tips about the excema! Oliver slept really well last night so I am thinking maybe his nights of restlessness might have been due to his discomfort with his skin..go figure!
When did you enroll in Hee Haw University?
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