Random Music Bits.
It's no secret, I love Cowboy Mouth.

I have...3, maybe 4 of their CDs. Saw them in New Orleans back in the day. Fell in love. I saw them in Dallas. I just love so many of their songs. I think the lyrics are wildly funny, or incredibly applicable to life situations (depending on which song I'm listening to, of course), and the tunes are catchy.
In fact...when Gage was so little, and I was home with him...and mom had returned home, and Damon returned to work...and the days were long (at first) for me & Baby Gage...I couldnt remember a bunch of lyrics to kid songs, and certainly wasn't in the habit of listening to kid music (THEN)...so I would sing him Cowboy Mouth songs.
Thank goodness he couldnt understand some of the lyrics!
("What's an Irish boy from a good family doing in the gutter?...St.Peter said, 'You're Drunk As Hell! Son, You Shoulda Ate!' So he sent me back down to grab a bite, but instead I bought another! What's an Irish boy from a good family doing in the gutter?)
...catchy little tune. And humorous too.
Another band...
The Eli Young Band

They're playing in Fort Worth on Saturday night. Sadly, I wont be in attendance.
They're playing in College Station tonight. Um, wont be there either.
It's been so long since I've attended a concert. I think the last one I went to was Tori Amos with Megan. We were in the very, very, very, very front. It was awesome!
...but I've strayed from the topic at hand.
The Eli Young Band. I have one of their songs on CD, but I have yet to purchase the whole album (what kind of fan am I, right?)
Anyway...my 2 favorite songs of theirs are "Everything is You" & "So Close Now".
Thanks to napster, I can hear them anytime I want...well, anytime at work when I am logged onto the computer. (okay, that's not really ANYTIME...but I still have yet to figure out the MP3 downloading thing. I'm slow. Cut me some slack!)
Okay...those are my musical tidbits for today.
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