Community Soap

I have soap issues.
Take for example, a bar of soap.
It's in the soap holder of your shower.
You pick it up, lather it in your hands or on a loofah, or washcloth...whatever. Then you use your hands, loofah, or washcloth to disperse the soap over your body for cleansing purposes.
Then, you discover that others who use that bar of soap do not use the soap that way. They take the whole bar of soap & it travels all over their body, cleansing along the way.
I think that's gross.
Now, granted, it is soap & it's intended purspose is to clean: but, your body is "unclean" until the soap is applied & rinsed in my mind, the soap bar is left dirty (even though it's soap....)'s what actually prompted this post:
In the 1st floor ladies restroom of Building A in the SW Complex at school, there are two sinks. One has a liquid hand soap dispenser just to the left of the sink. The other sink has a bar of soap sitting to the right of the sink. I watch people use the community bar of soap to wash their hands.
Now, knowing that we are all in there b/c we just used the bathroom---and knowing that the person before me (if I were to pick up that bar of soap) just used the restroom--makes me think the bar of soap is really dirty. Now, after using the restroom, I can assess how unclean my hands are---but I have no idea what other people are doing in their stalls, and then they go touch that bar of soap. Gross, gross, gross. I cant bring myself to touch it. Cant do it. Seems so nasty. That's stranger bathroom funk on that bar of soap, and I'm not joining in.
Of course, I still touch the door handle to, it's probably just as nasty.
But there you have it---my soap issues.
And if you ever shower at my house, just know that the bar of soap has not travelled all over my body.
Gin tells me you and I are nothing alike, but I find that we share a lot of idiosyncracies, and this is just another one in the long list. I think the "traveling" bar soap is disgusting too. My husband and I have gone round and round about it over the years. When we got married, I soon learned that he is a bar traveler. So there might be body hair on the bar when I got my shower. Sick! And if he had taken his shower last, so it was the next day when I found the bar, the hairs were all stuck and dried into the outer surface of the soap. Totally disgusting and unacceptable! For years we used separate bars, but eventually I caved and just started rinsing the outer layer off the bar every time, which my husband thinks is totally unnecessary b/c it's SOAP. The lengths we go to to avoid germs! lol
I have soap issues too...when we go to visit friends/family and we are staying for while I bring my own soap to use in the shower...there is just something I find gross about using other people's showers. When in public washrooms I will use the paper towel to open the bathroom door as I leave, then hold the door open with my foot while I lean to the garbage to throw the paper out. I'm sure people think I'm strange when they see me do it...but the idea of people leaving without washing thier hands has me so grossed out.
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