Life Is Just So Daily

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Okay, so you've missed me?
I was on a vacation.

My Dad, Allen (9yo), Gage, and I took a vacation to the Arbuckle Mountains in Oklahoma. We took the kiddos to Turner Falls & Arbuckle Wilderness....

I have a few pics to share at this point---but really, there are 3 disposable cameras waiting to be developed...So for now, I only have a few of the pictures...
And, none of them are from Arbuckle...lo siento.

Let me start by saying this: none of you people who are already parents TOLD ME that vacations with kids (young kids) is not a vacation at all. My pre-mom perception of vacation was made up of beaches, rest, relaxation, sipping Mimosas while flying first class to some exotic destination. This trip was not a vacation in that respect at all. This was work. Hard work. Juggling 2 naptimes for the 10 month old & adequate entertainment for a 9 year old. He's hungry. He's fussy. He's hot. He's bored. He's wet. He's peeing outside for all the world to see. He's got a tadpole in his hands. It was---go,go,go nonstop, do this, do that, try to get the baby to sleep, where's the can opener, it's hot in this cabin, is there any coffee made yet, did you take your medicine yet, the chocolate milk is frozen---FUN.

I'm EXHAUSTED. I need a non-mom vacation to recover from this family fun adventure. are a few pictures....

The car ride down there....oh, the Jeep-Jeep was LOADED to the max!

(Yes, that is the grilling spatula in his hand...he was a bit excited about cooking out.)

He doesnt look too excited, does he??

Our cabin. Very clean. Very small. No microwave. But, totally comfy when compared to camping in a tent!

Dad & Allen skateboarding...

Turner Falls!!!

We were the first ones there!!!

How sweet is this picture?? Allen looking for tadpoles...what a boy! I can't believe he's so grown up now....

Allen on the diving board. Such bravery!!!

Me, Gage, & Dad...outside of the cabin....

Me, Gage, & Allen...outside of the cabin.
Thank goodness for my sling! Love that thing!


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