Life Is Just So Daily

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Reunion Fueled Dreams...

So, over the weekend I went to my 10 year high school reunion.

Well, last night--I had a bizarro dream, that I KNOW was only because I attended the reunion & saw people that I hadnt seen in a long time.


We were 28...but I was not married & did not have a child. Megan did not have Stephen. We were moving into an apartment/town home together to be room-mates.
We were getting things unpacked & organized in the apartment. I left & went somewhere...maybe work. When I came home, Megan started yelling at me (which, I've only seen in this dream...I have never in real life seen her YELL at anyone!) anyway...she's yelling at me because I have FOUR saved messages on the phone, and I never listen to them, and I never erase them. She went off asking, "What's the point of having an answering machine if you're not going to use it!!???"
So then---Scott Struwe comes over to visit, and he's a school bus driver. Yes, that was his job. And, he was boasting that one of the perks of being a bus driver is that he gets to take the bus whenever he, we looked outside....Yes, he in fact drove the big yellow school bus to our town home & parked it right out front.

So then---I listen to my messages. And---I had a phone message from Ryan Englebretson. He was mad b/c I didnt say "hi" to him at the reunion. [in real life, i did see him at the reunion--but he was on the other side of the room, and quite honestly---i just never made it over there to that half of the room] So on this message, he just goes on & on about how upset he was. Megan, Scott, and I just sat there listening to him ramble & we were all shocked.

After that I got a message from my Gammy, and then I woke up.

But--it was weird.

The 10 year high school reunion...
Standard conversation...
"Oh my gosh ___insert name______! I havent seen you in so long!"
"What are you doing now?"
"What does your husband/wife do?"
"How did you guys meet?"
"Where are you living now?"
And of course, there was the scoping out of the wedding rings...
And of course there was the "oh my gosh, can you believe how much weight he/she has put on?"

Picture this: high school, only....99% of the people weigh more now.

High School is over. You cant go back. Keep your memories, and move on.


At 6:43 AM , Blogger Krissy said...

My ten year high school reunion is in October. I won't be going!

At 12:31 PM , Blogger CBM said...

At least your school had a reunion. I didn't even have the option of going to mine because there wasn't one! There are a lot of people I would like to have seen, but I honestly couldn't have gone anyway, since I live halfway across the country now!


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