Life Is Just So Daily

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Some of Christmas...

Sometimes, we feel like that movie, "Four Christmases."
Seriously....we've each got two parents, and they're all divorced, and then we want to have a Christmas at home times it can all be just a bit much and every year I swear that we should just hop a plane and go away for the holidays!
....but we don't.
......and we'd miss family. {Well, some of them....}
........and somehow Hubby's certain he'd regret it. are some pics of the first of our family holiday gatherings....

With Hubby's side of the family we did a White Elephant Gift Exchange. It was a lot of fun! Hands down, the best of the gifts was our family portrait from Medieval Times. Hahahaha! We are a family of 4, and though only 3 of us were pictured---what is our family going to do with 3 copies of that thing??? Well, give it as a White Elephant gift of course!
...and then this was the gathering where near the end the letters from the elves magically appeared in the trees and Gage and Eliette got their "Elf of the Shelf" each to take home.... yaaaay!

Also, unbeknownst to us at the time, Eliette was coming down with something RSV-like. This, after just getting over strep throat.... ugh!

Yes, my baby, my BABY got strep throat. Why? Because she has a germy big brother who probably brought it home from school.... Anyway, November/December was a pretty scary/hairy illness time for us. Glad we're done with all that!

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