Serve It Up!

So, last night, Gage wanted some Kool Aid.
He chose grape.
HEEEEEEEEE wanted to stir it.
So, he pulled his chair up to the cabinet. I mixed the powder w/ the sugar & water. I handed him a big spoon to stir.
In the background, dinner was being made...
Turn my back for a second, and PLOP, in goes a scoop of butter. Butter IN the Kool Aid. EEEEWWWW!
Turn by back for another second---in goes a handful of M&Ms.
And the final ingredient: One Baby Gage sneeze sprinkled over the top.
So, Baby Gage's Recipe for Kool Aid:
1 packet kool aid
1 c. sugar
Several cups water
1 scoop butter
1 handful M&Ms
1 sneeze to garnish
At the point of the sneeze---Hubby & I decided that we just don't drink enough water, and clearly, we'd need to drink water with our dinner.
But Gage---no, he had to have some Kool aid.
....and he drank it.
Labels: Gage
Ha. Ha. Ha. This story cracked me up! I can just imagine it!
Yum! I agree, water had to have been the best choice. Funny that Gage drank his concoction, though!
This is hysterical!!! I love the scoop of butter, what is it with kids and butter?
Did he drink it??
Thanks for stopping by my post, I have read some of yours, you are quite entertaining!!
That is so funny and definitely entertaining! :)
Your kiddo is going to be an entertainer one day. Can't believe he managed to drink what he had whipped up. It is hysterical!
I love that you let him drink it. You're awesome!
LMFAO... I'll be waiting awhile to attempt the kool-aid with the munchkins after this. I can't believe he drank it!
And I'm sure Gage loved having his Kool-Aid all to himself :)
Gage's recipes sound about like mine. It's all about experimenting! :)
Ewwww is right!
Too cute - I can just see him mixing and sneezing and you ewww-ing!!!!
That sounds like a Paula Deen recipe, without the sneeze. At least I hope she leaves out sneezes. Ew.
And Dude! That's awesome that you let him drink it. Awesome.
I have always wondered if kids were hard of tasting or something because they really do eat, and in this case drink, the most distgusting thing!
Another thing I love is when they sneak a drink of your water and leave backwash in it, I like to refer to it as pulp. That's so gross!
hey, my boys would drink that!!! The call Kool Aid "Ghetto Juice"!!!
Growing boys do need their fat. LOL!
Well, so much for wanting kool aid today! Off to get my water!
A very imaginative chef - with his own unique tastes!
Hi..That was a funny and yet really gross story =) My daughter always sneezes on her food.. and still eats it, that's why I let her eat first and then the rest of the family eats cause it tends to deter appetities =) pretty funny blog =)
I bet it was the best.darn.Grape Kool-Aid of all time. Yummy, sneeze topping!
I once babysat a little girl who would just eat butter, by itself, for breakfast. At least Gage only wants a scoop!
The sneeze is the best part! Kind of like when they blow out their birthday candles and end up spitting all over the cake!
Um. Gross.
I love the recipe. "A sneeze as garnish" too cute. I also love that you let him drink it. AWESOME!!!
LOL Kids are so funny. I would have drank water too.
omgoodness....that is funny!
So...really...what's the problem?? lol
See the M&M's in the kool aid sound interesting but the butter and sneeze I could do without! LOL
But good for Gage. Creativity in the kitchen is an absolute must!
gotta admire his persistence!
that's a good skill he has already:
follow thru.
he will be successful in life.
hopefully, though, not as a chef!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. you should def. send that to Kool Aid :) maybe they could come up with a new flavor...
Buttery grape m&m... mmmmm
That is awful! I am mean and would have refused to let the kids drink it.
Umm...that is just disgusting, lol. Kids will eat/drink anything!
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