Life Is Just So Daily

Friday, December 29, 2006

Santa came!

Santa came! Santa came!

...and he brought Gage a potty, and his own vaccuum, and some movies, and a pull toy...and a ride-on toy with a firefighter theme...

..and he brought Gage some trucks, and more peek-a-blocks, and a Thomas the train beginner train set...

First thing Gage checked out...the train.

He was sooooo excited.

Checking out his blocks...

He then had to line up his vaccuum with Mommy's vaccuum...

...and try out his new potty...a "Throne of His Own"...

...and he played with the puppets that GrandDaddy Al got for him...

Of course, there was dancing. This was Gage dancing to one of his new Wiggles CDs that we played through the DVD player...

Atomic Christmas aftermath...

...and of course, he can't forget his old toys...the phone & the popper.

Playing with his vaccuum after his morning nap...

Destructo-baby is awake. King-Kong-Gage shows up in Thomas the Train-land, and takes part of the track!

Lunch at Sports City Cafe...

Gage said, "Hi." to all the waitresses as they passed by...

Do you see how far away she is? She had already passed by, and he almost missed his moment to flirt!



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