Life Is Just So Daily

Monday, October 02, 2006


Well, Friday I had the day off from work.

I took Gage to his one year check up.

He did VERY well!
He's 23.9 pounds. He's 31 3/4 inches (already over 1/2 my height)!

...and so inquisitive...

And then...came the shots. 4 of them. 2 in each leg.
But---he did remarkably well, and only cried while he got them, and then, he was done crying by the time I got his jeans pulled up.

After that...he was ready to go. I put him on the floor, he grabbed the diaper bag, and headed for the door!
(hey...he's no dummy! He wanted the hell out of there!)

then what?

Oh, then we went to see daddy at work.
We all went to lunch.
Gage got to color...which of course, he tried to eat instead of actually color. He really likes the red one. Red seems to be his favorite color., in the picture, he's munching on a blue crayon, but that's because we'd already removed the red one from his reach, and he was using the blue one...and then decided to taste it.
[please, please, dont let my child be the one to run with scissors & eat paste!]

Now, unlike my friend, Jessica, I am not at all prepared for dining out with a one year old. Jessica, her husband, her child (back when she only had one...), me & my husband, all went to Chuy's one day when they were in Texas visiting.
she had the diaper bag with the bib, with disposable stick-on baby placemats, with snacks, with everything. Oh, so well prepared.
Me---I showed up at El Fenix without even a bib!
(Gasp! Shock! Oh-the-horror! What kind of MOM am I????)
So anyway...we made it work. Gage got his own "kids-cup" of whole milk, and we used a napkin for a bib. In the end, it all worked out just fine...

After was off to the grocery store for me & my son. Why? well, glad you asked. You see, while at the Pediatrician's office, we were given the go-ahead for whole milk. Also, we were out of formula, and I didnt know if we should quit formula "cold-turkey", or slowly switch to whole I asked the dr. He said to slowly mix the two b/c some children get really constipated if you switch too quickly (I know, you all wanted to know that...)So anyway...we had to get baby milk & big boy milk.
I get formula, organic milk, organic yogurt, & blueberries for Baby Gage.
Get to the checkout.
...where are my keys?
...where the hell are my keys?
...where are my f...... keys?

Look in my Jeep, (through the windows b/c I locked it...) but dont see them. Go all through the store. Dont see them. Check w/ "Lost & Found" (b/c who knew that so many items get lost & found in a grocery store), nothing. Try calling Damon about 18 times. (yeah, but um....he was "on the other line.") Finally, I ask for a yellow pages & I'm going to call a locksmith. The lady at the grocery store gave me a card to a guy who has a "key recovery service". It's cheaper than a locksmith. I paid 35 dollars to watch this guy break into my car in less than 60 seconds, and he gave me my keys. They were on the floor in front of Gage's carseat. I must have dropped them before I shut the door.
Many of you may be thinking: what about those clicker things... yes, well, mine broke and it didnt seem like that big of a deal. Well, as I am typing this--I am on hold with the Jeep dealership. I'm getting another one. I am waiting on them to quote me a price.

Now, I'm going off on a tangent...let's talk prices...when I need a replacement "grey key" for my Jeep, it's about $185.00. It's got some type of magic chip in it, and it's expensive to replace. But, you can get a "black key" for the Jeep for like ten or fifteen bucks. They will unlock the doors only, but not start the car.

Anyway...back to the grocery store incident. If I had laid those keys down in the grocery store, and there had been no keys in my Jeep...oh, I would have just gotten the carseat out, called Yellow Cab, and gone home. I was pretty drained at the end of that little ordeal.

But, it all worked out, and I was able to get through the whole situation independently.

I'm glad Friday is over.


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