Life Is Just So Daily

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Can I bitch for a minute?

Library Woes.

If it werent for bad luck today, I wouldnt have any at all.
If my hair doesnt fall out on its own, I swear I am going to pull it out!

Let's just start with this morning...
I have to drive over 30 minutes to GET to the school library.
I get here...I forget my login password...or so I thought. Really, the computer I was trying to log into, had an inaccurate it took about 30 minutes to get my password reset, and then it was the computer's fault in the first place.

So...that was fun.

Then, I have had NO LUCK finding ANY journal articles/studies on my topic. Well, let me rephrase that...I find that they do infact exist in the cyperworld print somewhere else...but this library doesnt own the rights to them, therefore it will take 3-4 days after my request is processed for them to email the article to me...yada, yada, yada...then I find some others...cant access them, and I'm told by the librarian that the link to view them online does not work---BUT, if I want, I can go to the 4th floor, get the periodical, and photocopy the information I want.

Well, that wont work & here is why.
While on the 1st floor, I was told my a dumb-shit-part-time-I-dont-know-what-I'm-talking-about-employee, that in order to print anything or copy, I must put $$ on my student ID. I got my student ID yesterday, and tried to put $$ on it. No luck---my student ID, which is brand new, has some type of error on it. I had to put money on a temporary library guest pass. Okay. Did that.
Find about 8 books that seem useful & I want to photocopy sections. Go to the copier on the 2nd floor...none of the copiers take the cards. You must have bills or coins. None will accept a bill higher than $5. I just put $5 on my freaking card! I have nothing less than a $20 with me (surprising that I had cash at all...) So I go back to the 1st floor. Get change for a twenty. Upstairs to make copies...make some...then I find another book...go back to make copies...All I have by now is a $10, and a $5. THE FUCKING MACHINE TAKES MY FIVE DOLLAR BILL, AND THEN WONT GIVE ME CHANGE OR MAKE COPIES. Naturally, the people who service the machines are not here on the weekends, and the library cant be responsible for the money eaten by the copier, and the front desk on the 1st floor has no more change for another twenty.

So...thanks for telling me where the periodicals are. But this library is getting no more of my money today.
I'm done. I'm spent. (literally & figuratively)
I'm ready to just take a break from this madness.
I have all of these resources now, but none of them are journal articles.
What's my assignment? To do a literature review based on my research question. She suggests that we research 7-10 journal articles.
Oh, I have at least 15-20 resources, but not a single freaking one is a journal article.

(but...I fully admit my own role in this...I'm not as tech-savvy as I probably should be, I'm stressed about other library-related events of today, and my latte got cold before I got a chance to finish it, so I'm a bit on edge right now.)

That's all for now.
I'm going to get some lunch, and then start working on my paper.
You know, the actual constructing of the paper.
Research sucks. it sucks. It wasnt so bad the other night when I got a good grade!


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