Well, here recently, Hubby & I decided to get in touch with our redneck side, and we took our son to our first Monster Truck Rally! {Yes, this was a first for each of us!} And actually, it was a monster truck rally and tractor pull. I learned some things about myself: (1) the monster truck rally was sooooo much fun! I loved it! Maybe I am a little redneck! (2) the tractor pull was BOR-ING. Before the show began, you could go down on the arena floor to see all of the tractors and a couple of the trucks....
The indoor arena got VERY loud when the show started. So, we wore earplugs and these ear muffler things. Hubby just wore earplugs. Gage & I went all out. 
Pics from the show....(Gage took several of these!)

Who's getting into that SARGEANT SMASH??? Why, it's Gage & Daddy!!!! 

We had a little down time before the tractor pull started. Gage filled his down time with cotton candy, popcorn, and soda. Ahhhh, a kid's junk-food dream! 

The tractor pull....
We had a BLAST! Thanks Daddy, for taking us to the Monster Truck Rally!And next time, because we know there WILL be a next time, Mommy says we will get trucker hats from a gas station before we go in! She can't wait!
Of course, the fun didn't end there! Back at home, Gage got ready for bed...but then he had to play with his monster trucks at the foot of my bed. It was so cute! He was so excited to replay the events he'd just seen! 

The whole night was just a lot of fun. A whole lotta redneck fun! Labels: Gage, Random Things About Me
Glad to see you wore both the ear plugs and mufflers - those shows are so loud & noisy!
Love the after-show playtime. :)
Thing one: Are your bedroom walls black? I want to see more pics of that it looks neat.
Thing two: Monster trucks are awesome and NOT REDNECK. I went on my first date to the monster trucks.
Thing three: I can't believe hubs wore a button down shirt to the monster trucks...ahahahahahahah
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