Life Is Just So Daily

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Casa de Lainey-Paney Update...

Gage: pink eye, MUCH improved.
Vigamox Rocks.

Me: dr's appointment today w/ a new doc's office.
allergic rhinitis w/ fluid behind my eardrums.
viral throat infection; no strep. popped a pustule during the throat swab. YUM!

Bonnie: puked all over the floor this morning. Thank goodness it wasn't diarrhea. Lord help me if it had been!

Was supposed to start school today. didn't. went to the dr instead.

We're all kinds of contaminated around here. There should be orange cones all around my house....

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At 4:41 AM , Blogger Beth said...

This too shall pass - until the next round of viruses or bacterial infections hit. This happens to your family a lot! Hope you're all feeling better soon - including Bonnie.

At 4:51 AM , Blogger Zephra said...

Oh no. Well at least it is being treated. Give me a call when you are no longer contagious and we will get together.

At 5:39 AM , Blogger Hester 5 said...

Yuck! Hope you feel better soon!!!!

At 6:00 AM , Blogger Lainey-Paney said...

Yes, Beth. I agree.
Perhaps it's because I work in an ER & pick up all kinds of germs. I dunno.
My cuticles are proof of my constant hand washing though!!!

We seem to be a buch of immuno-compromised weenies!!!

At 10:34 AM , Blogger Pregnantly Plump said...

Poor guys! I'm glad Gage is feeling better and hope you get well soon, too!

At 10:40 AM , Blogger Heidi said...

Oh dear, we just got over a bunch of different virus's here.
LOL, a yummy pustule.

At 1:31 PM , Blogger Judy said...

Yum, things sound like oodles of fun up there, haha. Keep that fun to yourself, okay? No sharing...

At 9:26 PM , Blogger Chris H said...

What can I say? Glad I don't live near you right now.
Get better soon!

At 7:31 AM , Blogger Just Jiff said...

Ick. When it rains, it pours. Hope you get better soon!


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