My Letter to Walgreens

For those who know me, you know that I am the FIRST to write a letter when I am displeased.
My experience at a Dallas Walgreens yesterday was VERY displeasing to me, and so naturally, I wrote a letter.
I've still received no response from my Black Friday Toys R Us complaints, but that's okay. I'm patiently waiting... and it feels cathartic to write the letters.
{Carol E.: You ought to enjoy just imagining this whole situation! You KNOW how I am!!!}
My letter to Walgreen's (well, the meat of the letter anyhow...formatting didn't turn out as beautifully as expected once I copied & pasted it to blogger):
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing this letter based on an encounter I had yesterday at the Walgreens located in Dallas, TX.
I was excited to see Splenda on sale for $2.99, and was eager to pair it with my $3 off coupon. When I reviewed the Walgreens coupon policy, I found that the coupon would be reduced to $2.99, as the coupon deduction could not exceed the advertised/selling price of the item. I am perfectly okay with that, and was excited that I would get the item for free! As a weekly (& sometimes more!) Walgreens shopper, I am always on the look out for bargains. You really can't beat FREE!
My problem didn't arise until the young lady at the checkout informed me that the item I got off the shelf with the yellow sticker reading "2.99" could not be paired with the coupon I presented because the coupon deduction was in excess of the current price. I explained to her that I would wait for a manager to discuss the issue, as I was certain that the corporate policy addressed this very such circumstance. She called over a manager, and I believe she called him "Walker." He came over and agreed with the sales clerk. Only when I provided a printed copy of the coupon policy did he agree to honor the sale price & the coupon. He did so with loud sighs and haste, as if I were bothersome. I was highly offended. I'm sorry if I had to point out an error or policy in printed form in order to prove my point, but his attitude about the matter was inappropriate.
I am not writing this letter to get anyone fired. Certainly not. Everyone who is able-bodied needs to work & contribute to society. However, as a store manager, his attitude was not appreciated by this consumer, and it would behoove him to become familiar with corporate policies.
Having written all this, I acknowledge that it is entirely possible that I am wrong or mistaken about what I've read or my interpretation of the policy. What I have read online about the policy is as follows:
"In the event that any item's selling price is less than the value of the coupon, Walgreens will only accept the coupon in exchange for the selling price of the item. Coupon redemption can never exceed the selling price of an item and no cash back is ever provided in exchange for any coupons."
(taken from:
I am attaching a copy of my receipt should you need it for any reference.
Follow up regarding this matter can be relayed to me by postal mail or email:
etc. etc.
Then I signed it.
I'll let you all know about my response.
In the meantime, if you have the $3 off splenda coupon, I encourage you to hit your local Walgreens & fight for your right for free Splenda!
Labels: couponing, Laine's Just Sayin'
Can I tweet this post link to Walgreens? That way you can know for sure they see it.
I've gotten 2 companies to help me out just via Twitter :)
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